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Dcn. Dan Miller M.A., MACM

Dcn. Dan Miller M.A., MACM

Theology Department


Phone: 410-485-5000 ext. 8307

Deacon Miller has and undergraduate degree in Theology with a minor in Catholic Studies from Loyola University of Maryland. He earned both a Masters degree in Theology and Church Ministry from St. Mary’s Seminary. He was ordained a Deacon for the Archdiocese of Baltimore in May of 2021. Prior to joining Curley, he has spent the last five years teaching middle schoolers at Cardinal Shehan, St. Francis of Assisi, and Msgr. Slade Catholic Schools. Deacon Dan resides in Baltimore City, with his wife, and three daughters. When he is not teaching, Dcn. Dan enjoys listening to music, having spontaneous dance parties with his daughters, and serving the parishioners of the Pastorate of Christ the King and St. Bernadette.
